Corps bride: Corps bride is a story of a girl who dies waiting for her husbans.Then years later two people got into an aranged marrage.The guy was so nervouse to get married he went recting his vows in the porest and acedently asced a corps to marry him. Long story short the corps b ride got revenge on his gold digging husband and the other two people got married.This movies is for all ages so i give it 4 stars.
Alicce In Wonderland Alice in wonderland is a story about a girl who has to live up to expectations.Alice's father use to tell her storries about wonderland before he passed away. On the that his guy was gonna propose to Alice's she seen thw wite rabit.So she went on an adventure to slay the "dragon" so it was her future husband. This movie is for all ages and has very good actors so its a 4 star movie.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Texas chaniksaw massacre is a horror movie about a family who murders people.It is a very interesting movie.The movie is rr so you need to watch it with an adult. It is very gruesome more then scary. Its very violent so i would say it is a 3 stars movie.